Door Switch

Product ID: SW-0833T

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Minda hardly requires any introduction to the Indian Automotive Industry. As the largest manufacturer of automotive switches in the county, Minda's customer list reads likes the who's who of the Indian Automotive Industry. The manufacture of switches is carried out by two companies of the group-Mindarika and Minda Industries. Minddarika, a joint venture company between Minda, Tokai Rika and Sumitomo Corporation won a rare distinction by being awarded the prestigious ISO 9000 certification. This company manufactures switches for the 4-wheeler vehicle segment and covers the entire range of switches, which include lever combination, power window and panel switches. Switches for 2 & 3-wheelers and tractors are manufactured by Minda industries. All switches conform to world to standards and are manufactured in state-of-the-art plants.
.Model: Zen
  • Manufacturer: MARUTIUDYOG
  • Vehicle segment: Cars

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automotive switches, head lamps, horns and automotive accessories