were developed due to observations and controlled tests that flagged up inefficiencies in present "passive" signage in an evacuation situation.*
Our Patented WAYFINDER active signage technology helps in situations that require the movement of people to safety in a controlled manner.
For Example...
Fire Safety - Active guidance out of buildings giving directional help where smoke could otherwise have hidden passive signage. WAYFINDER helps avoid confusion
and panic and assists with fast, accurate decision making.
Legislation - Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) and Disability Equality Duty (DED), helping people with hearing impairments.1 in 7 of the UK population experiences hearing loss and many of these would not hear a fire alarm. Our active signage visually aids people within this area to safety especially when they might be unaccompanied and at their most vulnerable.
The fight against terrorism - In the unpredictable world that we live in today, normal fire exit routes from buildings can become a hazard. People need to be evacuated away from any potential danger zone and in a controlled manner to a safe point of exit. Our Omni-Directional Systems allow the safe movement of people in these circumstances.
Crowd Control - When people gather in large mass at events such as in a stadium, controlled evacuation and just simple "people traffic " management are all important. Our systems offer automatic and manual operation at the end of each event, directing people from the back swiftly to the exits thus avoiding bottleneck situations. Bespoke systems available to suit each stadiums requirement.
Company Profile
Factory LocationBognor regis
Established in2006
Business types
- OEM Manufacturer;
North America;South America / Caribbean;West Europe;East Europe / Russia;East Asia;Southeast Asia;Mid-East / Africa;Australia / New Zealand;China / Hong Kong;