The diagnostic system DIS and GT1 allow you to electronically.

The diagnostic system DIS and GT1 allow you to electronically.

BMW GT1 Diagnostic System (DK 2.1 Version)

Product ID: BMW GT1 Diagnostic

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BMW group tester one (GT1) is offered to the aftermarket in the same specification that is currently supplied to BMW franchised dealers. It is special-purpose tool of BMW Series. Gt1 is supplied with a Pentium based laptop PC on a Windows platform connected to a high specification communications and measurement interface.
BMW GT1 is special-purpose tool of BMW Series.GT1 can realize the diagnosis for all the BMW cars,and it can also programm BMW cars except the newly ones which diagnostic sockets are MOST sockets ,as GT1 does not have MOST diagnostic socket

Language : available in english, spainish ,turkish, french

Testable System:
All systems of BMW series and OBD-II diagnostic system. Such as Engine, auto-wave, SRS, ABS, Cruise system, Air-condition system, EWS, LKE, BUS etc.

1. Run faster than GT 1
2. Maintenance easy and quickly

1)GT1 Yellow Multiplexer(DK 2.1 version)
2)OBD-II diagnostic cable
3)20 pin diagnostic cable
4)LAN cable (100 MB)

Software for BMW GT1:
DIS (V43/ V45/V46/V47/49/V50) 40G HD for IBM T22/T30 laptop
SSS (V20/V22) 40G HD for IBM T30 laptop
TIS DVD ( 06/2006 version )
.BMW GT1 is available from full stock now!

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