3A BEVEL SEAT SANITARY HYGIENIC UNION, Inox/Stainless Steel, including Liner, Male and Nut - manufactured by TECH CONTROL ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. TAIWAN
Click here for details.3A BEVEL SEAT Union Fittings, INOX Stainless Steel Hygienic Union Fittings, Dairy Fittings 3A BEVEL SEAT - 食品/飲料/啤酒/釀造/製酒/牛乳/生技/製藥/化妝品/化工/淨水處理/個人照護/車輛/電子/半導體/食品飲料包裝機械/整廠規劃/整廠設備/廠務系統/衛生級配管工程用管件 3A BEVEL SEAT 食品衛生級由任(接頭、牙口、螺母)
Product ID: 04
Send InquiryStainless Steel Sanitary Hygienic
● 3A-14A Long Weld Liner Plain
● 3A-15A Long Weld Male Threaded
● 3A-14PRF Short Weld Liner Plain
● 3A-15TRF Short Weld Male
● 3A-14R Recessless Liner Plain
● 3A-15R Recessless Male Threaded
● 3A-13H Hex Nut
● 3A-16A Blank Cap
BEVEL SEAT UNION 由任接頭組 是 經過精密設計 和 加工製造,由 一個平斜面接頭、一個帶螺紋斜面接頭 以及 一個螺紋六角螺母 配對而成的聯結管件,此型由任組無需使用墊片,適用 COP(離線清洗),經得起 日常拆卸 和 重新組裝。
在 食品、飲料、啤酒、釀造、製酒、牛乳、製藥、生技、化妝品、化工、淨水處理、個人照護、電子、半導體 等製程中,管路系統 必須要符合以下要求:
- 安全衛生:所有 會接觸到產品 (在此指食品、飲料和藥品等產品) 的管件和設備的 設計和製造, 應該要 符合相關行業的標準和規範,以確保產品的 安全性。管件和設備應該要 具有光滑的表面,無死角或裂縫,並且 易於清潔和消毒,以 減少細菌滋生 的可能性。
- 材料選擇:採用 不銹鋼等耐腐蝕材料 製造,以確保 在食品、飲料和藥品接觸環境中 的 耐用性和化學穩定性。這些材料必須要 符合食品衛生安全法規,並能夠抵抗 腐蝕、污染和變形。
- 密封性能:為避免任何物質滲漏或進入管道系統,管件的密封性能至關重要。管件必須具有 可靠的密封設計,以 確保無滲漏 並 防止交叉污染。
- 易於拆卸和安裝:管件應該具有 容易拆卸和組裝 的特點,以 方便清潔、維修和更換,減少生產線停機時間。
- 可靠性和耐久性:管件必須要能夠 在高壓、高溫和頻繁操作下 保持穩定性。並經得起 長時間使用和循環清潔,不容易損壞或磨損。
玄盛企業股份有限公司生產的所有食品衛生級由任管件, 材料皆經過 Olympus Innov-X Delta XRF Metal Analyzer 金屬材質檢驗機 嚴格把關,表面處理 Ra ≤ 0.8μm, 符合 食品衛生級 標準,精密加工,易於焊接、組裝和維護,銳利邊角 經過打磨,組裝 維護 清潔 不傷手,出貨前 100% 檢驗。
Each piece of TECH CONTROL's HYGIENIC TUBE FITTINGS & VALVES, is manufactured under the strictest material control and highest precision engineering to meet the world-class Hygienic Standards and Sanitary Requirements.
Furthermore, the excellent metallurgical characteristics and minimum tolerence are favored by all piping engineers.
All Food-Grade Sanitary Hygienic Tube Fittings & Valves manufactured by TECH CONTROL ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. TAIWAN undergo strict quality control using the Olympus Innov-X Delta XRF Metal Analyzer, ensuring the materials meet the sanitary hygienic standards. The surface treatment achieves a roughness (Ra) value of ≤ 0.8μm, complying with food-grade hygiene standards. Our fittings are precision machined, easy to weld, and have burrs, sharp edges removed and corners polished. They are assembled and maintained without causing harm to the hands. Each fitting undergoes 100% inspection before shipping.
(以下產品尺寸圖, 點擊後可放大)
Click the DIMENSION DRAWINGS below to Enlarge
由此下載本產品最新型錄 !!!
- Size: 1" 1.5" 2" 2.5" 3" 4" 3A BEVEL SEAT 1" (OD=25.4, t=1.65) 1.5" (OD=38.1, t=1.65) 2" (OD=50.8, t=1.65) 2.5" (OD=63.5, t=1.65) 3" (OD=76.2, t=1.65) 4" (OD=101.6, t=2.1) Check the dimension drawings for detail...
- Material : Stainless Steel Parts are available in SS316 or SS304, Nuts are in SS304 only. *** The Design of BEVEL SEAT UNION is No Gasket Required ***
- Example of Request for Quotation/Order : Part Number, Material, Size, Quantity 3A-14A, 316, 2", 5PCS
- Material Strictly Inspected and Selected by using Olympus Innov-X Delta XRF Metal Analyzer
- Uniform Thickness and Tight Tolerence making the Piping engineering such as Assembling and Welding Easy
- Quality Control and Fine Polish ensure High Strength and Superior Corrosion-Resistant Performance meeting the Strict Hygienic Requirements.
- Burrs, Sharp Edges Removed & Corners Polished. They are assembled and maintained without causing harm to the hands.
- Fully Inspected and Well Packed before delivery
Tube Specification | Size(inch) | OD(mm) | Thickness(mm |
3A-BEVEL SEAT | 1" | 25.4 | 1.65 |
3A-BEVEL SEAT | 1.5" | 38.1 | 1.65 |
3A-BEVEL SEAT | 2" | 50.8 | 1.65 |
3A-BEVEL SEAT | 2.5" | 63.5 | 1.65 |
3A-BEVEL SEAT | 3" | 76.2 | 1.65 |
3A-BEVEL SEAT | 4" | 101.6 | 2.1 |
- ISO-9001
Main Products
CIP 3A / IDF / RJT / BSM / CIP Flat Face / DIN 11851 / SMS 1145 inox stainless steel sanitary HYGIENIC TUBES, inox stainless steel sanitary HYGIENIC TUBE FITTINGS, inox stainless steel sanitary HYGIENIC VALVE FITTINGS, inox stainless steel sanitary HYGIENIC TRI-CLAMP FITTINGS, inox stainless steel s
Contact Detail
CEOMr. Chung, Chin-Ying
Sales ContactManager Ms. Vickey Chung or Assistant Mr. Vincent Chen
AddressNo.24, Tsang Hou St., BanQiao Dist., New Taipei City 22055, TAIWAN (Headquarter & Sales)
Tel886-2-29685577 / 29675553
Fax886-2-29675545 / 29689740