Maintenance-Free Sound Wave Boilers Dust-Blower Instruction

Product ID: WS-10

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The WS-10 maintenance-free efficiency (sound wave) bailer's dust-blower of our company is a patent product with advanced technology. It can substitute long-shafted dust-blower, short-shafted dust-blower, steel ball dust-blower, hydraulic dust-blower, infra-acoustic dust-blower, low frequency impulse dust-blower and sound wave dust-blower made in Sweden. It is beyond compare with other dust-blowers.
  • It coon not make the mistake of machinery rotating.
  • The dust-blower utilizes the original blower hole , stretcher from wall to center, the length about 7~8cm, the total weight less than 10kg. It has no extension machinery to avoid machine dies, and has no appearance of structuring out without drawing back. It is very simple to assembly or disassembly and convenient to overhaul.
  • You can choose the source medium as you wish, such as air and vapor.

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