Product ID: P02

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BRE is an extensive network of correspondents, who promote the concept of SME cross-border co-operation and widely publicize co-operation opportunities of non-confidential nature. BRE was created by the European Commission (Directorate General XXIII) in 1973 and is present in approximately 70 countries. The BRE correspondents are either private or public organizations (Euro-info-centers, innovations centers, chambers of commerce, etc.) BRE correspondents carry out the following tasks: Promote the concept of international partnership. Assist companies seeking an interregional or international partnership through the BRE, particularly in drafting, translating and following-up co-operation profiles. Circulate opportunities published via the BRE (distribution may take many forms: the internet, newsletters, database, direct, mailings, etc.). Pass on the names and contact information required to reply to a BRE co-operation request or offer. BRE correspondents feed and interrogate a state-of-the-art database, operated by the European Commission. How to use the BRE? If you company is interested in cooperating with a partner in another country, you should simply contact us and we shall help you introduce a cooperation profile (CP), on the appropriate form enclosed. This information is forwarded to the BRE central unit which prepares an advertisement and gives it an identification number before transmitting it to the correspondents for dissemination to its potentially interested clients. The validity of each opportunity is limited to 6 months, extendable for a further six months on request. A description of the business cooperation sought must include not more than 1,000 letters, in typescript. The charge for the services: 30 USD. The tem of payment: prepayment.
  • 6 steps to find the right business partner
  • You want to make your co-operation request or opportunity known: your co-operation need is not confidential and the wider its dissemination, the higher the chances of finding a business partner
  • You contact a correspondent of the BRE network: a list of the correspondents in your geographical area can be obtained from the BRE helpdesk in the European commission
  • You formulate your co-operation need: the BRE correspondent can help you filling in your co-operation profile, a standard form containing key questions on your co-operation request
  • The BRE correspondent sends your request to the central co-operation database: the BRE correspondent transmits your profile to the European commission's co-operation database where it can be viewed by all other members of the BRE network
  • Your request is widely disseminated through the BRE network: BRE correspondents around the world will be able to retrieve your co-operation request from the central co-operation database and publish it in the appropriate local media
  • Initial contacts are made: information request from potential partners will either be addressed directly to your company or will arrive via one of the BRE correspondents in the network
  • The main characteristics of this service are:
    • Very wide-spread advertisement of cooperation opportunities (publication of brochures, press coverage, fax, direct mailing, etc.)
    • Simple access
    • An extensive network of correspondents
  • The activities of BRE correspondent include:
    • The dissemination opportunities
    • Assistance with the preparation of cooperation profiles to companies seeking partners
    • Promotion of partnerships

Main Products

business information services, network of business